Delphic Sibyl

7:00 AM

Michelangelo, Delphic Sibyl, 1508-12
Michelangelo was a promising sculptor. His works were exquisite and his human forms were life-like and beautiful to look at. However, Michelangelo's paintings did not have the same characteristics. The human form in his paintings were bulky and hulkish. His females were especially masculine and possessed very little feminine attributes. The contrast between his sculptures and paintings becomes evident when comparing the two. He had become a sought out artist to create paintings regardless of his lack of skills in the human form.

Michelangelo's Delphic Sibyl  shows how his females had masculine qualities. Her face reaches a certain point of feminine qualities but her body is bulky, and I personally wouldn't want to get in a fight with her. The Sibyls were females who were thought to have foretold the coming of Christ. The Delphic Sibyl was the voice of Apollo. The colors in her garments represent Earth, water, fire, and wind. Apollo was the Greek god of music, poetry, prophecy, and medicine. She seems to be looking up from a scroll that tells the future as she looks into the future as well.

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