Tigers and Cubs

7:00 AM


Dear Daphne,

Most people seem to think that cats hate people but I think you prove them wrong. Sure you have your moments of grumpiness, but who doesn't? I give you the painting Tiger and Cubs because I know deep down inside this is what you think you are. A loving mother that takes care of her children, in this case, me, my sister and parents. You make sure we are clean by licking us. You even protect us by chasing away all the dangerous squirrels and birds in the backyard.

Now, you are a bit of a pain sometimes, meowing whenever you want out, scratching furniture when you want food, and of course, waking us up at 5:00 a.m. to let you out every morning. However, with every annoyance comes something good. You love to be petted and have your chin scratched. You are even (occasionally) happy to see one of your humans when we come home. You will always listen to anyone if they want to complain or just talk about something, although you aren't all that good at giving feedback, but, eh, you're a cat.

Lots of pets,
Miles K

Editor's Note: Students were asked to give a painting to someone they cared for. These are their moving responses.

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