The Thinker

7:00 AM

Auguste Rodin, The Thinker, 1902
I first saw this statue in the 6th grade in Chicago, ever since I've kept it in mind.  It was a trip I will always remember to see one of my uncles whom was in bitter health, but the highlight of my trip was seeing this statue in all its glory, shining. The statue would prove to be important as I entered the first day of the sixth grade where Mr. Huntz showed us the image and told us to write about and why it inspires us. The obvious studious pose initially made me interpret it as he was pondering away but I never could determine why. Scholars argue that this represents Dante outside the gates of hell pondering a poem, before he embarks on his journey into the nether.

Rodin's  The Thinker  has inspired me to not allow myself to be limited to perception, but rather interpret and construct new outlooks. The hues in the bronze, always beautiful as it glistened in the sun, serve as a tribute to knowledge.  I am thankful that I saw this that day, it has continued to be a part of my life. I recently saw it again at the Nelson, this embodiment of shining intellect continues to follow me in my path throughout life.

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